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Bolivia Flag


Bolivia's National Flag: A Historical Overview

Origins and Evolution

The flag of Bolivia has undergone several revisions since its initial adoption in 1851. The current design, featuring three horizontal stripes of red, yellow, and green, was officially established on October 31, 1851.

Horizontal Tricolor

The horizontal tricolor of red, yellow, and green is a common design element among many national flags, including the flag of Bolivia. Each color represents a specific aspect of the country:

  • Red: Patriotism, sacrifice, and bravery
  • Yellow: Abundance of natural resources, particularly minerals
  • Green: Fertile lands and agricultural productivity

National Coat of Arms

When the flag is used by the government, it incorporates the national coat of arms in the center of the yellow stripe. The coat of arms features a condor, two alpacas, an olive branch, and other symbols that represent Bolivia's history, geography, and national values.

Official Adoption

The Bolivian flag was officially adopted on October 31, 1851, by President Manuel Isidoro Belzu. The flag has remained largely unchanged since its adoption, with only minor modifications to the design over the years.

